
The rentals will require a drop off of the rental to your address or to an agreed upon delivery point on your island of residence. The deliveries will be at an agreed upon time between Saturday at 12 noon and Sunday until 11am. A one time delivery and pick up fee of $100 will be applied to the rental cost that will cover the drop off and pick up of the rental fee.

You can only drive on roads that are 25MPH or less. The rental must stay on the island that you picked up or was delivered. You are not authorized to drive over any of the barrier island bridges, by law of the State of New Jersey. If you attempt to take the LSV off the island, the rental will be revoked with no refund, and you will be responsible to pay the ticket/fine from the police. You are allowed to cross over streets that are more than 25 MPH, but not able to turn on those streets. If you drive on any road with a speed limit over 25 MPH, this is not safe and you are breaking the law in the State of New Jersey and will be responsible for any fines or tickets issues by the law enforcement officers.
We do not offer daily rentals of the LSV at this time. If you want a multiple day rental that is less than a week, please call 215-740-8327 and we will see what availability there is to accommodate. If you want a weekly rental that is not weekend to weekend, please also call to see what availability we have and will do our best to accommodate.

Treat it like you would any other vehicle accident. Call Emergency services if needed at 911. Each renter will need to provide their automobile insurance policy, which is your responsibility to make sure your insurance covers any damages to the LSV. Report all damages to Shore Rides as soon as possible at 215-740-8327. If you do not provide your Insurance information at time of booking, your reservation will not be accepted.

If you have a rental of an LSV, the beach supplies will be included with the delivery of the LSV. If you do not have an LSV rental, the beach supplies can be delivered with 24 hour advance notice and a $50 delivery fee to your location in Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Longport, Margate, Brigantine or Ventnor.

No, drivers must be 25 years or older, possess a valid drivers license, and insurance as required by law. Any damages done by the renter will be paid by the renter
Stop driving the vehicle and call 215-740-8327 and we will arrange an inspection and replacement/repair within 3 hours or refund your money back.
Yes, there is no limitation to the times of day for driving. The LSV’s come with functioning lights and signals. The Electric bikes however should not be driven in darkness for the safety of the rider, and is explained in our rental agreement.

Yes children can ride and should sit in the LSV just like they would in a car. They should be using seat belts like all other riders at all times. If a child requires a car seat or booster, they should be used on the LSV the same way you use them in a car. The rental agreement has all of the requirements for age and size on what is required by law for them to ride safely. It is not recommended that pets ride in the carts unless they are leashed and secured by a person not driving to prevent jumping or falling out.

Yes, use the power cords we supply with the rental to charge the LSV whenever it is not in use. Always try to go out on your next ride with a full charge. You can not overcharge the cart. An LSV depending on size and weight of the passengers, will usually have at least 30 miles range in any given charge. Charging overnight each night should allow you a full days charge the next time of usage. If you are running the cart low, you should stop driving and re-charge the vehicle. If the vehicle does run out of charge, you should call Shore Rides immediately at 215-740-8327, and we will tow the vehicle back to our warehouse but you will lose the rest of your rental, with no refunds, and be required to pay for the towing expense of $300. It is very important you keep the cart charged and do not run out of battery!

You should always keep the key with you, when not using the LSV. Do not leave the key in the cart when not in use. Any personal goods should be removed from the cart and are your responsibility.

Any spot used for vehicle parking is permitted for the LSV. Do not park the cart in any illegal parking zones, and if in a metered area, you will need to pay the meter. Any parking fines will be the responsibility of the renter. If you park the LSV on personal property, make sure you have permission of the owner of the property. If you park the LSV in a garage, please make sure you have a spotter verify the height of clearance into the garage to make sure the LSV can fit into the garage. Do not assume that the LSV will fit in all garages, as they will not fit in low ceiling garages. It is your responsibility that the LSV can fit in all areas you enter or park. Any damages to the vehicle will be your responsibility.